Mini Spares Articles - Project '64 - the world's fastest Mini

Project '64 Bonneville Mini - a quick update from the Salt

We'll cut to the chase: the car is spending the night in impound because we have qualified for a record in the I/BGALT class. The previous record was around 133mph and we have qualified at 146.676mph....


Project '64 Bonneville Mini - a quick update from the Salt

Hello everyone, it's been two days of racing on the Salt and we thought a quick update was in order - especially if you don't follow us on social media.

We'll cut to the chase: the car is spending the night in impound because we have qualified for a record in the I/BGALT class. The previous record was around 133mph and we have qualified at 146.676mph. In the morning we will have our record run and hope to raise our average. We've qualified for this record despite still being in the tuning phase of our week.

Saturday had been disappointing in a 'that's motorsport' kind of way - our fuel lines failed and as a result most of our fuel system had to be purged, cleaned and/or replaced. The true extent of the problem didn't show until the engine was under load on the track and that was after 4 hours of queueing for a run. Still, we had to figure it out at some point and now everything is looking much more positive.

If we manage to set a new record in this class Monday morning we'll then be changing classes and running again. We'll keep you updated with progress.

Thanks to all for your overwhelming support - we really appreciate it.

Lastly, if you can, listen in to Morning Report Monday morning - there will hopefully be an interview with one of the crew.

Contact details.
If you need to get hold of anyone in the team you can email Mike at or call on Skype by searching with the same email address or phone +1 (213) 275-6569
We're on Mountain Daylight Time.

Thanks again for your support.
Mike Wilson, on behalf of Project '64

Speedweek-salt-flat-racing Speedweek-salt-flat-racing-sponsors Importation rules regarding vehicles are very specific: Only those over 25 years in age may be brought in to the USA without compilance to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).

