Mini Spares Articles - Mighty Minis at Snetterton 2009
From the tight, twisty and undulating challenges of Cadwell Park, the Super Mighty Minis Championship moved on to the super fast, wide open and flowing track of Snetterton, Norfolk, for rounds two and three.

After the disappointment at Cadwell, Comis was keen to get his Championship challenge back on track at...

From the tight, twisty and undulating challenges of Cadwell Park, the Super Mighty Minis Championship moved on to the super fast, wide open and flowing track of Snetterton, Norfolk, for rounds two and three.

After the disappointment at Cadwell, Comis was keen to get his Championship challenge back on track at Snetterton. With Qualifying taking part in glorious May sunshine, it was indeed time to make hay while the sun shined.

By the end of the session, Comis seemed to think he wasn’t able to harness the full potential of the car:

“I damaged a few steering and suspension parts at Cadwell, and although we’ve set the car up again, there seem to be some handling issues”

“To be honest, it was tricky out there, I was fighting the car under braking, it didn’t want to turn in, and mid corner it was a total handful.”

Comis’ doubts were confirmed by the time sheets with a somewhat out of character 16th on the grid:

“I’m not surprised by that, however, we’ve found a few problems with the set-up that are easily sorted so the race should be a different story.

With the sun continuing to grace the East Anglia track, the cars were lined up on the grid for the late afternoon start. With the red lights on, the engine revs built as the race got underway. Again, Comis got another trade mark start and was soon fighting amongst the top ten. Mid way down the seemingly endless back straight, the field of cars were all line a stern in an attempt to get some much needed aerodynamic advantage from the car in front. Closing on the braking area and it was like a bomb going off as cars darted to defend position from the leaders right to last place.

As the race unfolded, Comis was making good progress until he seemed to back off slightly even though trying to capitalise on contact in front of him. At the finish, Alex Comis was classified 13th. Back in the paddock, we caught up with the Mini Spares driver:

“Yeah, it was going quite well to start with, every position was being fought for throughout the 1st half of the race. Just as I was starting to pick a few off, the handling seemed to become a problem. It looks like a steering arm issue so it should be an easy fix for tomorrows race”

Early Sunday afternoon, and the battle cry of agitated mini engines signified the start of another fine race: Again, Alex made a textbook getaway towards the 1st corner. On the tail of the car in front, they worked together to real in the fighting, and therefore slower pack ahead. With the race being a relatively mammoth 25 minuets, this was an opportunity to make up some good positions, and Comis duly obliged. Towards the close of the race, it was anybodies and Comis was now on the tale of the leading pack. With one lap to go there were places to be had; A cloud of dust plumed from the back of Comis’ car as he ran wide on the exit of the Esses as he pushed hard. Nearly disappearing off at the super fast exit of the bomb hole, Comis again seemed to back off. At the flag, a consistent 13th.

“That was a good fun race and [Peter] Crews and I worked so well to catch the tail of the lead pack.”

“Unfortunately I ran wide at the Esses and seem to have put the tracking out quite badly. As I turned in for the next corner, it was a real fight to get the car to turn in. I pushed as hard as I could, but there was no chance of making any headway at that point”

Ever mindful of the ‘silver lining’, Comis was soon to look ahead:

“The good news is the engine seems to be getting stronger with every race and though this weekend has been a bit more bad luck, I think it’ll all come together for Donington. Watch this space!”

Indeed, for round 4 of this wide open Championship be sure to visit Donington Park on the 6th & 7th June.

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