Mini Spares Articles - Oulton Park - 2014
Championship moved back to the UK, and more reasonable temperatures to be strapped in to a tin can, for rounds 7 & 8 on the International circuit at Oulton Park.

 Super Mighty Mini Championship

From the tropical heat of Zolder, the Super Mighty Minis Championship moved back to the UK, and more reasonable temperatures to be strapped in to a tin can, for rounds 7 & 8 on the International circuit at Oulton Park.


Though overnight rain had been replaced with broken sunshine, the track was still damp off line for qualifying. The Mini Spares Driver, Alex Comis, always goes well at Oulton and this time was looking to be no exception.

By mid-session, Comis was putting in solid times and would be rewarded with a brilliant 3rd spot on the grid.

“Yeah, I’m really happy with that, the car just felt quick and easy to drive. I’ll hope to improve a bit in the race, too.”


With the weather continuing to improve, glorious sunshine would greet the Super Mighty Minis as they lined up on the grid for the first of 2 races. Off the line Comis made another solid start though he was soon being challenged by 4th place starter, Scott Kendal. On the way in to Cascades, contact between the two championship leaders, saw Comis lift as Elliot Stafford ended up on the grass in front of him. Comis now found himself in 3rd place and keeping in touch with the leaders. As the race progressed, a recovering Stafford was challenging Comis for 3rd with only a few laps to go. Coming up to the Shell hairpin, Stafford pulled out from behind Comis and it was now down to which of the two latest brakers would brake last. With Stafford on the inside line, Comis could do little but attempt the switch-back on the exit. Unfortunately Stafford had that covered and at the flag, Comis finished a valiant 4th, just 0.02 seconds off the podium.


“That was a nail bighting last few laps” Explained Comis after the race: “I could see Elliot making ground on me and just a couple of little mistakes saw him capitalise. Still 4th brings good points but now I’m focusing on race 2”.

With reverse grid for the top 7, Comis would start the 2nd race from 5th. A flying start saw Comis challenging for 4th, but with contact in front of him again, and now boxed in, 4th soon went to 10th before the exit of the first corner. What followed was to be some brilliant overtakes to get back in to contention. Comis passed no less than 6 cars in 3 laps at which point he was able to close up to Scott Kendal in 3rd. With three laps to go, Comis and Kendal were the cars to watch as they battled for the podium. Bumper to bumper, door handle to door handle, this was epic as they swapped places seemingly corner after corner. Last lap, and the run to the last corner: Comis had the momentum. Kendal went defensive; Comis went wide and had the measure under braking. Through the corner Kendal came back as Comis ducked in to the tow to try and get the aero advantage and make the move to the flag. Alas Comis would cross the line in 4th this time 0.2 seconds off the podium.


“After the start, I can’t complain at my effort to recover. I only regret not being up there at the start but there was nothing I could do. We might make some changes to the car for Combe, but all-in-all things are looking very positive!”.


Rounds 9 and 10 take the Super Mighty Minis to the super fast track of Castle Combe on 25th August, Bank holiday Monday.

Importation rules regarding vehicles are very specific: Only those over 25 years in age may be brought in to the USA without compilance to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).

