Mini Spares Articles - Super Mighty Minis Thruxton 2018
2018 mighty minis championship title
2018 mighty minis championship Thruxton

Alex Comis reports on his race at Thruxton for the Super Mighty Minis Championship 2018

2018 mighty minis championship title
donnington 2018 super mighty minis
With Donnington marking the mid-point of the season, The Super Mighty Minis Championship moved on to the epically quick Thruxton Circuit. After the bitter sweet events of Donnington, Alex Comis in the Mini Spares car was keen to build his championship points at Thruxton.

Qualifying got underway under beating sunshine and mid-morning temperatures already nearing 30 degrees C. Comis wasn't hanging around and put in a time good enough for a 2nd row start for the race.

“It's already sweltering in those cars” explained Comis at the end of the session. “I struggled to coordinate a good lap – trying to get some [aerodynamic] tow without being held up through the chicanes. The second row is a good place to be and I should be able to find more pace in the race”.

With the mercury heading north of 30 degrees, race 1 of the weekend was underway. Comis bogged down off the line but managed to hold position through Allard and the 1st chicane. Defending while trying to attack, by the second lap, Comis was up to 2nd place. Coming up to lap 3, and Comis was pushing for the lead, however, the pack was also not giving up. As is the way with Super Mighty Minis and fast tracks, leading isn't always best: The lead 4 were swapping places along the super fast back straight as one car after the other punched a hole in the air for the others only to take advantage of. By mid-distance, Ian Slark had joined the party: Out of Church and on to the back straight, 5 cars fanned out to claim the lead. Comis elected to take the outside line in to Club chicane and was a nose ahead. Alas, drifting the car in he seemed to carry too much speed as the back of the car continued to step out. Super quick reactions saw Comis recover the slide, but he was now on the grass and back down to 5th, with it all to do again. Within a couple of laps, Comis was back up to second and, again, challenging for the lead. On to the last lap and while Comis was 3rd, it really could have been anyone's. Through Club for the last time and Comis made it to the podium in 3rd.

Out of Parc Ferme, Comis filled us in on how it was for him:

“That was unbearably hot, close and frantic. I made a massive error in to club towards the end but luckily I was able to recover. On the last lap I had to go defensive which I think scuppered my changes to take the flag but still, not a bad result. I just hope it's a bit cooler for the second race”.

Race 2 was on the Sunday and any wishes for even slightly cooler weather were not to be. With not a cloud in the sky and the temperature hitting new heights, the lights signified the start of round 10 of the Championship

With reverse grids for the top 7, Comis would start from 5th. Though Comis got a better start, he still held position thought the 1st sequence of corners. As the 1st third of the race unfolded, Comis continued to hold position though a much better exit out of Church saw him cannon up to 3rd place. Again the pack continued to swapped places down the flat-out back straight generating nail-bighting view for spectators as 5 or 6 cars fanned out to try and snatch the lead. At two-thirds distance, it was Comis who made the move stick along the back straight and in to Club chicane. This would only last a lap as it was Comis' turn to punch a hole in the air for the chasing pack down the back straight. On to the last lap, and Comis was in prime position, in 3rd place, to take the aero advantage at the end of the lap. Alas, on the exit of Noble, Comis suddenly dropped off the lead pack. Coming in to view, Comis was now visibly limping clearly suffering from a mechanical issue. Not giving up, Comis got the car to the flag in 8th place, remarkable in itself, before retiring the car. As a consolation, Comis also bagged 2 points for yet another fastest lap.

“I'm utterly gutted” explained an exhausted Comis; “The engine suddenly went on to 3 cylinders and that was that. I guess I was lucky it went on the last lap and that I was able to salvage points for 8th place and fastest lap, but I could have taken a podium, probably the win. Still, there are plenty more races and hopefully we can capitalise at Brands”.

Indeed, rounds 11 and 12 of the Super Might Minis Championship moves on from the South West to the South East and the famous Brands Hatch on the 25th and 26th August.

Photos courtesy of John Creech

thruxton 2018 super mighty ministhruxton 2018 super mighty ministhruxton 2018 super mighty minis
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