
Since the demise of Rover many of the original Genuine parts are no longer available but with the expertise of Keith Dodd and staff, Mini Spares Centre have taken over the mantle of trying to provide original specification Genuine parts with clarity on the part numbers used. Original/Genuine Leyland or Rover part numbers are used where the parts are from the original suppliers unless no other source is available. If an alternative source is available the part number and description will clearly be noted as “Non Genuine” or “Pattern Part”, and will have a different part number listed as an alternative, usually with “MS” as a suffix. All Non genuine parts from suppliers are also scrutinized for the best quality and price available.

All Part Numbers used are unique and intellectual property of either Mini Spares Centre Ltd or Rover/Xparts licensees.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of particulars contained in the parts catalogues Mini Spares will not be, in any circumstances, held liable for any inaccuracies or the consequences thereof.

All pictures and text are the copyright of Keith Dodd and reserved, no part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, electronic mechanical, photocopying recording or any other means without prior written permission. 

This mechanical parts catalogue of the standard manual drive Mini from 1959-1985 has been collated by Keith Dodd as a concise guide on replacement parts, their features and availability. Certain references help identify parts used up to 1990 as an informative guide, because some cars may have inherited these parts by previous conversions or for overseas owners, where the origins of the car or year of manufacture are not clear.

See the Mechanical Parts catalogue “1985-2000” also, for reference use on parts.

Major parts that are No Longer Available have been shown as a guide only, to help customers undertaking restoration work. There was no point showing too many parts that are unlikely to be replaced or available again.

C.W.E means there is limited stock available with no known suppliers when sold.

N.L.A means the part is obsolete with no known suppliers available