Mini Spares Articles - Thruxton Race Report

Thruxton Race Report

The Super Mighty Minis Championship moved to pastures new for penultimate rounds 9 and 10 as the championship touched down at Thruxton. This Wiltshire circuit is unique in a number of ways. It’s fast, really fast, and boasts having the fastest corner in the UK.


The Super Mighty Minis Championship moved to pastures new for penultimate rounds 9 and 10 as the championship touched down at Thruxton. This Wiltshire circuit is unique in a number of ways. It’s fast, really fast, and boasts having the fastest corner in the UK. It also has an active airfield operating within the circuit infield.

A summery late September day greeted the drivers as they headed out in to the unknown for qualifying. Our man, Alex Comis, in the number 41 Mini Spares car put in a solid effort with a second row stating position by the end of the session. At the end of qualy, Comis gave his 1st impressions:
“It’s definitely a quick track and took me the session to just build up my speed and try different things. I’m a little further off the pace than I’d like, but I think there’s far more to come from me.”

With the clouds slowly rolling in to interrupt the sun, it was soon time for race one. The cars were on the grid, the lights went out, and they were off. Comis made a cracking start and was challenging for 2nd by the 1st chicane. On towards the super fast Goodwood corner, and then the even faster Church (presumably so named as you pray you don’t lose it there), Comis found himself briefly back in to 4th. On such a fast track, you only want to lead at the end of the last lap so as to not give anyone any aerodynamic tow. Mid distance and Comis made it in to 3rd at the Club chicane and now seemed to be biding his time with the leaders, Scott Kendal and Ade Tuckley. The three of them were giving away nothing and at times only millilitres apart. No mean feat considering they were doing well over 100mph for much of the time. Last lap and Comis was looking left and right for a way through. Up to Club for the last time and that looked to be it until contact between leader Ade and Scotty. Both lost momentum and Comis looked like he could capitalise. With smoke poring off Scott’s front left wheel, Comis, now in 2nd was closing. At the flag, Comis finished a brilliant 2nd from 4th on the grid.

“Yeah there was an element of biding my time, but I was as lucky as I was unlucky at the last chicane. I couldn’t have predicted the speed the other guys lost. If the timing was slightly different, I could have got the win but in fairness, 2nd is a great result.”

Race 2 and the clouds continued to thicken in sympathy with the anticipation. With reverse grids, Comis made another flying start and was up in to 3rd into the 1st chicane. By lap 2 he was leading, but this was short lived giving the pack the tow, and the speed, to pass. For a brief couple of moments, Comis was down to 5th. In to the final phase of the race, Comis was sitting in 4th. By the last lap, it was now or never to push for a podium. In to the Club for the last time, Comis got the switch-back on Louise Inch and was level on the exit. With the flag in sight, Comis just had the legs to make it 2 podiums. Epically close racing.

“I had to work for that one! Joked Comis. I’m glad to have bagged 3rd but I think there are a few areas I can improve on. Still, we got some good points here for the championship.”

The final 2 rounds of the Championship take place at another fast track, Castle Combe on the 8th October.






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