Mini Spares Articles - gearbox
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The first Minis rolled off the production line with a three-syncro gearbox, first gear as explained earlier was still a hit and miss affair.

Terminology -
FD - Final Drive

NOTE; A 'high' or 'low' ratio gear is in reference to it's performance, not it's numerical number. To illustrate - a 'high' FD ratio will give 'higher road speed', but will have a numerically low figure. A 'low' FD ratio will give lower road speed, but have a numerically high figure. A by-product of this will be reduced acceleration capability on the 'high' ratio, increased acceleration capability on the 'low' ratio. The main gearbox gears work in the exact same way.

I’m sure we’re all aware of Sir Alec Issigonis’ brilliant solution to the gearbox location in the Mini - just fold it up underneath the engine, simple. Following is a résumé of the production gearboxes to date. Read more

‘Salisbury’ is the word banded about by most un-enlightened folk when discussing LSDs for Minis, mistakenly believing the word covers all Mini orientated LSDs. This is grossly incorrect. Terminology - LSD - Limited Slip Differential The ‘Salisbury’ was designed in the ‘50s at a time when racecars were a good deal less sophisticated than today. Tyres were usually cross-ply with severely limited grip due to poor compounds developed ostensibly for rear-wheel-drive cars; the front wheel drive of the Mini being a rarity. And tracks were more than a little ‘bumpy’. Agriculturally built cars needed an LSD designed along similar lines; enter the Salisbury - effectively developed from a tractor diff. High static pre-loads were more than common to help compensate for severe short-falls in chassis, suspension, and tyre design. To all intents and purposes the diff was practically locked up, making the car a real beast to drive. Read more

Modified engines producing more power generally induce owners to drive with greater verve, particularly when competing in one of the many motorsport disciplines. Terminology - LSD - Limited Slip Differential In fact this isn’t isolated to modified Minis. Owners of relatively standard machinery competing in a discipline or merely out on a country lane blast are subject to the same determination. The more verve/determination applied, the more of a struggle keeping your Mini on the designated track becomes. Generally the problem is down to grip - or more precisely the lack of it. Suspension modifications and extensive twiddling of geometry settings can provide improvements in stability, both for straight lines and turn in/mid corner performance. But even throwing bucket loads of cash at super high grade dampers, and the odd arm/leg/lung handed over to ‘professional’ chassis tuners doesn’t solve the particular grip problem we’re interested in here - corner exit/acceleration grip, or traction as it’s more commonly referred to. Read more

Whether you’re building a solid road performer or fire-breathing monster, the main goal is to improve air/fuel flow into the engine. The more you can get in, the more power you can get out. Cheapest chunk of power improvement comes from sorting the asthmatic manifolding and exhaust by applying a stage one kit. Then what? Considering the ‘get more in to get more out’ theme, the main restriction - all else being equal - is the valves and their behavior. How big they are, how efficient they are and how long they’re open for determines how much gets in with each gulp each bore/piston makes. Modified cylinder heads are popularly next, although it has to be said that although a well modified cylinder head will improve performance, the gain against cost is nowhere near that given by the ‘stage one’ kit application. A good stage one kit’s improvement verses cost is around £12.50 per 1 hp, a decent modified head typically £30 per 1hp - dependent on application. Hmm. Read more

As outlined in the 'Gearbox - standard production gearbox types' article, it is entirely possible to change the common 4-syncro gearboxes to the helical close-ratio set-up as used in the Cooper S, 1275GT, 1300GT, and some early MG Metros providing the right parts can be sourced. And you don't already un-knowingly have the close-ratio kit fitted! Part numbers are detailed at the end.

The other pre-requisite for this conversion is that it can only be applied to the early, pre-A+ type mainshaft gears. That's those that have the square-topped teeth as supposed to the distinctively pointed A+ profile. This is because despite being endowed with A+-type fittings for the mainshaft end and layshaft, the conversion gears have the pre-A+ tooth profile. This is not to say that the conversion cannot be put into an A+ gearbox casing - it can and is detailed in the relevant article.

What is essential to understand is that the pre-A+ second and third mainshaft gears are going to be needed. Read more

FDs are ultimately responsible for the way your Mini goes after engine, gearbox, and under carriage tweaking has been applied. part numbers: DAM3647, 22G443, 22G101, 22G340, 22G338, DAM4131, 22A399, DAM4162, 22G940, 22A399, DAM2677, DAM2679, 22A411, 22A413, DAM2808, DAM6327, DAM2808, TCC10001, Terminology - FD - Final Drive/diff ratio The aforementioned and the degree to which it has been done will affect the decision as to what FD is required. They’re also responsible for much discussion between many tuning freaks, and confusion to the less informed. There’s nothing weird or scientific about it. Maximum acceleration requires a low final drive, top speed a high one. And these two terms confuse most. The confusion being the LOWER number denotes a HIGHER gear. Likewise the higher number denotes a lower gear. Likewise the higher number denotes a lower gear. Largely because the lower the ratio, the slower you go and vice versa. Read more


; A 'high' or 'low' ratio gear is in reference to it's performance, not it's numerical number. To illustrate - a 'high' FD ratio will give 'higher road speed', but will have a numerically low figure. A 'low' FD ratio will give lower road speed, but have a numerically high figure. part numbers: C-AJJ3371, C-AJJ3319, C-STN39, C-AJJ4014, C-STN76, C-STN77 A by-product of this will be reduced acceleration capability on the 'high' ratio, increased acceleration capability on the 'low' ratio. The main gearbox gears work in the exact same way. Cog swapping Elsewhere we've considered what alternative standard production ratios are available - but that still leaves you with the power-consuming and limited-ratio alternatives helical tooth type gears. Not desirable in a competition orientated car. The solution to this comes in the form of several types of straight-cut gear sets (teeth are cut at 90 degrees across the gear as opposed to the angled helical type). Read more

The standard drop gears are fine for practically all road use - almost irrespective of power output. part numbers: DAM9373, C-STR123, C-STR124, C-STR30, C-STR30A, C-STR30T, C-STR30TA, C-STR230, C-STR240, C-STR250 Terminology - Drop Gears - Transfer gears (primary, idler and input gears) Large-bore - Refers to anything based on a 1275-type unit Small-bore - Refers to anything based on 850/998/1098 units Despite what many folk believe - they are more than strong enough, and will perform perfectly well if correctly set up. That means getting the idler and primary gear end floats right, and using new bearings for the idler gear at each re-build. Simply following the methods outlined in the relevant workshop manuals will achieve these simple goals. There are two problems with standard drop gears - the main one is the helical cut of the teeth, the other a very limited selection of ratios. The helical-cut teeth are essentially power absorbing - both from increased metal-to-metal contact through having a greater tooth engagement area, and from side loads applied by the helical-cut. Read more

A fairly crucial part of how the idler gear operates is its tolerances and running clearances. part numbers: 22A1545, 22A1546, 22A1547, 22A1548, 22A1549, DAM4822, DAM4823, DAM4824, DAM4825, GUG705563GM, AAU8424, ADU6033, CCN110, 2A3643, 22A152, 53K547, Terminology: DTI - Dial Test Indicator End float is a continual problem as folk either ignore it through ignorance or lack of accessible information on how to do it, or belief special tools are needed. Also, later factory assembled engine units (from about 1992 onwards) were built up using whatever shims and thrust washers were available, since Rover were not making regular orders for all shim/washer sizes due to the forthcoming end of production. Consequently, many units left Rover with incorrect (usually too big) clearances. The idler gear was no exception. Too tight a clearance and the idler gear will either seize solid when it gets hot, or destroy the thrust washer thrust faces in the comparably soft aluminium gearbox and transfer gear housing. Read more

With the cost of new primary gears spiralling ever upwards, and the availability of good, serviceable used ones, fitting new bushes to existing gears is becoming a more common solution. For some reasons for bush failures and rectification to stop it re-occurring, see article Primary gear - Bush problems. Since there is no useful information given in any of the workshop or DIY manuals on this subject, following is my approach to dealing with the issue. The first thing to get to grips with is which bush is which. This has added an element of confusion to many conversations I have had with folks on this subject, so - the FRONT bush is the one nearest the engine block, the REAR bush is the top-hat one nearest the flywheel. This is because the front of the engine is actually the radiator end - quoted in 'in-line' engine-speak. The REAR bush is the same on all primary gears - be they for small or large bore engines. The FRONT bush is different for each though; the small-bore one is smaller in diameter as there is no step in the crankshaft where the primary gear runs. Read more

Seems recently a number of folk have been suffering gearbox failures of various sorts; nothing new there then except they've popped their heads up over the parapet to ask why. part numbers: C-22A1738, C-22A1731, 88G396, CHM141, 13H9513, 22A611, 22A610, TSP100390, TSP100400, 22G2595 Under closer scrutiny this time around the reasons for bearing failures, gear tooth breakage, and jumping out of gears to name but a few are the sources of hassle. Just like in engine building, a gearbox needs careful and proper attention when building it up. It isn't a difficult job, and most competant DIY mechanics can make a decent job of it. But, just like engine building, it's the knowledge of what to look for prior to and during the build that sets the 'professional' builders apart. Hopefully resulting in a more reliable, perfectly functioning unit. One generally over-looked, or completely missed, feature is where the layshaft is carried in the gearbox casing itself. The shaft merely runs in two holes bored in the casing - one at the drop-gears end and one in the centre web. Read more

Fitting an LSD isn't as simple as replacing the diff cage unit. In all cases a certain degree of diff housing modifications is needed - material needing to be ground/filed away to provide clearance for larger diff housing cases and crown wheel bolts. Although it has to be said the Quaife diff is supposed to fit without these mods. I've never found that. The design and manufacture of the LSD to facilitate any other function other than that of a standard 'open' diff assembly precludes use of standard CWPs. So one suitable for an LSD is needed. Naturally Mini Spares/Mania supply these in an extensive range of FD ratios. The output shafts are also different. A much thicker spline type is used within the LSD assembly. Consequently a suitable pair of LSD-compatible output shafts are needed. Some folk still insist on running the archaic, power consuming Hardy-Spicer type driveshaft to diff joints - although this is the only real option for rallying unless a change in driveshaft assembly is considered (another story!) Read more

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