Mini Spares Articles - Combe Race Report 2017

Combe Race Report 2017

Race 1 kicked off in the baking midday heat. Comis got a flying start and was in the mix from the off. Through Avon Rise and Quarry,
Comis was holding on to 5th though all over the back of Greg Jenkins and Paul Inch.
With the summer break over, the Super Mighty Minis Championship resumed the second half of the season at the epic Castle Combe
circuit. After bagging a podium at Donnington, Alex Comis in the Mini Spares car was looking forward to another top result.

Qualifying got underway on a particularly hot and summery August Bank Holiday Monday. Out of the pit lane and Comis was flying,
for all of half a lap. With what looked like a total loss of power, Comis managed to coast from the exit of tower, back to the pits. Some frantic action under the
bonnet seemed to do the trick and Comis was back out to get a quick lap in. At the end of the session, Comis put in a time good
enough for a 3rd row start. Not bad, considering.

“There’s certainly more pace to come” explained Comis back in the paddock.

“I don’t know what the problem was, but I lost all ignition. Luckily we got back out but I was very much on my own so unable to get
a tow off anyone to get a better time so there’s definitely more to come in the race.”

Race 1 kicked off in the baking midday heat. Comis got a flying start and was in the mix from the off. Through Avon Rise and Quarry,
Comis was holding on to 5th though all over the back of Greg Jenkins and Paul Inch. As the race unfolded, Comis made a move which took him to 3rd
though along the flat-out main straight, he was soon back into 5th as Inch and Jenkins got the all-important aerodynamic tow. This very much set
the tone for the rest of the race as all 3 battled it out to try and gain supremacy. With the lead 2 edging away, this was now a battle for 3rd.
As the pack approached backmarkers, Comis was able to pick up 4th place and was doing all he could to close down another podium. Alas the flag would
see Comis finish in a strong 4th place.

Once out of the car and having downed a litre of water, Comis gave his impressions:

“That was a cracking race. Paul and Greg can drive wide cars and I certainly had the pace on them, especially when they were compromising
each other but they had the edge, especially when I was leading on the straight. Still given the issues in qualy, going from 6th to 4th is ok”.

Race 2 was the last race of the day and although the sun was well on its way to the horizon, it was still well in to the mid-20’s, and the
humidity was still very much making its presents know.

From 4th place, Comis got the jump and was level with 3rd as the pack barrelled up to Avon Rise. Alas, as the lead 3 punched a nice big hole
in the air, by the time they got to Quarry, 8 cars were challenging for the lead. Comis seem to come off worst but as the pack approached Tower,
Comis was soon making a move up the field. Three laps in and the infamous super-fast off camber Avon Rise claimed its first victim which brought
out the Safety Car. Three laps later and we were racing again, and again, Comis found himself in battle with Paul Inch. With millimetres between
them at times, Comis had the pace, but again, Inch was fending him off. With just 3-or-so laps remaining, Comis was looking as though he was going to
make his move down the straight. Exiting Bobbie chicane, Comis was right on Inch’s boot lid and then… flags. The race was stopped due
to another shunt confirming Comis in 5th place.

“That was a bit of a crazy race, but glad all are ok. Again I had the pace and handling, but the red flag scuppered my plan. Still, we’ve
got solid points here and hopefully the momentum will continue at Cadwell [Park].”

Join us for rounds 13 and 14 at another epic track, that of Cadwell Park on the 9th and 10th September.
(Photos courtesy of Rebel Photography and Paul Creese)
Importation rules regarding vehicles are very specific: Only those over 25 years in age may be brought in to the USA without compilance to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).

